
I’m blogging from the road, headed for a weekend reptile show.

I followed a van for many miles. Its rear panel sticker asked any busybody to call a toll-free number if the van was speeding.

Trouble was, in order to READ the toll-free number to report the speeding, I would have had to crawl right up the van’s tailpipe–just as illegal a maneuver at 70+ miles per hour as speeding.

I wonder if they use small print on purpose?

And no, the toll-free number was not 1-800-EAT-STUFF.

2 Responses to “Stupid”

  1. Bum Says:

    I take it that it was not a ‘two lane in each direction’ road. Where, praytell, is the creepy pet show and Oktoberfest?

  2. Bum Says:

    I take it that it was not a ‘two lane in each direction’ road. Where, praytell, is the creepy pet show and Oktoberfest?

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