Archive for November 9th, 2004


November 9, 2004

An inmate at the Santa Cruz County Jail was allowed a brief furlough to attend a family funeral. Deputies suspected hanky-panky, so they obtained a search warrant:

…and when Robertson returned Friday night, he was taken straight to Dominican Hospital for an X-ray.

Carney said deputies had a court order to remove the contraband — a process that involves laxatives and enemas — but Robertson “gave them up within five hours.” Robertson had stowed 17 grams of black tar heroin, 20 grams of marijuana and four hypodermic syringes.

How would you like to be the unlucky soul who had to log that evidence?

Winning Friends and Influencing People

November 9, 2004

A CrankyBeach Clue-BatTM upside the head to our local congress-critter, Sam “never had a real job in his life” Farr. He is quoted in the local paper thus:

The county’s congressman, Democrat Sam Farr, essentially blamed Bush’s victory on the status of the education system nationwide.

“I think if the rest of the country had invested in higher education like California, you would have had a more educated electorate and a California outcome in the rest of the country,” said Farr, who easily won re-election Tuesday.

Hey, Sam. Get a clue. California ranks 43rd out of 50 in the Smartest State rankings. Then again… last year we ranked 44th. Hey, we’re coming up in the world!

Do I have to say anything more?